A one-time registration is necessary for using the website. After completing the registration form, you will receive an activation link to the e-mail address you provided when registering. Please check your spam folder as well. After using the activation link, you will need to type in your own password with which you wish to log in in the future. Please note that the activation link is only valid for one day and can only be used once!
After successful registration you can use the website within the purchased period. After the period has expired, you do not need to register again, but simply renew your access, which can be purchased via ‘Order’.
Renewal, repeating the order
It is not necessary to register again on our website.
To extend your access, you simply need to purchase a new subscription under ‘Order’. You will find a description below.
How to order
A valid user account is required to place an order.
Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to order by bank transfer. You can only pay for subscriptions by debit card.
Steps of the purchase
a.) Login

b.) After logging in, choose “Order” from the menu on the left.

c.) By clicking on “Select value”, choose the desired access period (15 days, 90 days or 365 days).

d.) Click on “To the shopping cart” in the status message or on the cart on the left to add the access period to your shopping cart.

e.) After checking (or changing, if necessary) the contents of your cart, click on the “Payment” button.

f.) Please fill in the payment information. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

g.) Please check your data again thoroughly. In case you need to change something, you can return to the previous page by clicking on “Back”. If everything is correct, please click on "Order with obligation to pay".

h.) You will now be redirected to the OTP SimplePay page where you can pay after entering your card details. Payment is only possible with Mastercard, Maestro, VISA, Vpay.

i.) After a successful transaction, you will be redirected back to The code for the transaction and the purchase will appear at the top of the screen. The card payment is authorised within approx. 1 minute, which is confirmed with three e-mails. 1. confirmation of the order, 2. confirmation of the card payment, 3. invoice.

j.) After receiving all the 3 e-mails, the paid period is valid and you can select the desired parish by accessing the register portal in the menu on the left-hand side. After clicking on a parish, you can view the registers available online.