Terms and Conditions

As part of a cross-border cooperation between the dioceses of Eisenstadt and Győr, the Diocesan Archives of Győr make the archival material of the Diocese of Eisenstadt available online for research purposes on the matriken.at website.
The conditions listed here govern the use of all images and descriptive metadata available at matriken.at.

  • Responsible for maintenance and services of the electronic archive on the website matriken.at:     
    Győri Egyházmegyei Gyujtemßenyi Központ - Diocesan Archives of Győr     
    Kátalandomb 26     
    HU-9021 Győr     
  • All images and data are the property of the Diocese of Eisenstadt. They can only be used for scientific and private purposes. They are made available until further notice. Use for industrial or commercial purposes is not permitted.
  • The reproduction of electronic data and images, their duplication, publication and transfer to third parties are not permitted without the written consent of the Diocesan Archives of Eisenstadt. (archiv@martinus.at).
  • If data is published from the website matriken.at, the source should be given in accordance with the following example:
    „Taufbuch r.k. Pfarre Apetlon 1790-1793, Diözesanarchiv Eisenstadt“
    “Baptismal register r.c. Parish Apetlon, 1790-1793, Diocesan Archive of Eisenstadt”
  • Registers containing legally protected data (see ‘Legal provisions’) are not available. Information is only provided to authorised persons, offices and authorities within the framework of the legal provisions provided for this purpose.
  • Should you have any information or complaints regarding the protection of vital records and personal rights, please contact the Diocesan Archive of Eisenstadt (email: archiv@martinus.at). If necessary, individual scans containing protected data will be blocked or removed immediately.
  • The digitisation process of parish register has not been completed yet. Before you register, make sure that the register books that you are searching for have been digitalised and are available. (See „Digitalised parish registers“)
  • As of 01.04.2020, the fees listed under “Fees” will apply when using the matriken.at website.
  • Every user receives an individual usage authorisation that cannot be transferred to other persons. Passing on the login data is forbidden.
  • The user declares under criminal responsibility that the personal data provided in the registration form is correct.
  • The personal data provided during registration will only be used to identify the user.
  • The Diocesan Archive of Győr reserves the right to control the use of this website (logins, data traffic, IP-address, etc.). If there is any suspicion of improper use, the user’s access can be blocked or, in the event of misuse, completely deleted. The user will be informed of this by email.
  • The user acknowledges that the access (user name and password) is valid for the period that has been paid for.

Guarantee and right of revocation

The Diocesan Archive of Eisenstadt and Győr guarantee that the user can use the image material of the electronic archives from the website within the framework of the terms of use. This does not apply to the time of maintenance work, which is announced by email.

There is no right of cancellation once the usage fee has been paid.

By taking out a subscription, you confirm that you have read the terms and conditions, the guarantee and the right of revocation, that you accept them and that you undertake to comply with them.

SIMPLEPAY - Declaration of consent to the transfer of data

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