The parish of Stinatz was established in 17970 and has had its own register ever since. Prior to this, Stinatz was a branch parish of the parish of Stegersbach, where the registers for Stinatz are also recorded before the parish was established.

The following place names appear in the registers: Stinatzer Berghäuser, hamlet of the parish of Stinatz; Stinatzer Berghäuser, hamlet of the parish of Hackerberg; Hackerberg, village.

The German-speaking part is currently served by the parish of Neudau, diocese of Graz-Seckau.

Neudauberg has been a branch of the parish of Stinatz since 15 August 1960, but continues to be served by the parish of Neudau.

Wörterberg has been a branch of the parish of Stinatz since 15 August 1960, but continues to be served by the parish of Wörth, diocese of Graz-Seckau. The register cases are entered in the parish of Wörth.

There are currently no registers available online.