
According to the currently applicable legal provisions in Austria, the baptismal records of the last 100, the marriage records of the last 75, and the death records of the last 30 years are blocked from general inspection.

Despite conscientious observance of these deadlines, subsequent entries and additions, especially in the baptismal registers, can lead to data protection problems.
In light of the abundance of vital records, it was not possible during the digitization of the registers to remove such problem cases from the website from the beginning. If there are specific indications of such individual cases, the affected pages will be removed from the Internet immediately. In such cases, the contact persons are the Diocesan Archive of Eisenstadt and Győr (See under Contact).

As of October 1, 1895, registry management was transferred from the territory of today’s Burgenland (then the Kingdom of Hungary) to the state. From this date onwards, the church registers have no legal validity, which is why we must refer you to the relevant municipal offices, registry offices or district authorities.
This sets Burgenland apart from other Austrian dioceses, where the keeping of state parish registers began only between 1938 and 1939.